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EZBZ App Review

Do you work in the service sector and have to manage a lot of people? Then, it must take a lot of time to organize work processes and distribute tasks to employees. Now it will become much easier to do that because that’s what Easy Beezy was developed for.

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Easy Beezy is an app with many functions that makes special software for managing your tasks unnecessary. The program is available both on a PC and on a smartphone, so you can monitor the progress of work in any place and easily switch to the desktop version. What opportunities open up with Easy Beezy?

Firstly, it is important to say that the variety of businesses where it can be applied is huge. The application is suitable for various services for cleaning houses, windows or swimming pools, gardeners, and others.

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In the app, you can make lists of tasks or orders and assign them to specific employees or entire teams, create routes if your business is about transportation, add photos or notes to tasks.

A unique feature is that all changes are made in real-time, so if you add a note to the task, your employee will see it. This will save you from bureaucracy, missed details and will allow you not to waste time on unnecessary things.

In order nothing to distract you from your work, you will need the SMS spam blockers for your phone.

This app is convenient not only for the managers but also for the employees themselves, who will always have both a list of tasks and a schedule of their work at hand.


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